-Cameron Brownley, DC, CACCP

Who is our “True Self”
There can be a lot of misconceptions when it comes to the term, “True Self.” 

Is this our personality?
Is it our definitive ego?
Are we limited to the mere confines of our physical body and mental features?

No. Our True Self is so much more!

The undeniable Truth is that we are Conscious human beings. This means that in our very nature is an inherent connection to Consciousness. This Consciousness is the same intelligence that takes two cells (sperm & egg) and grows them exponentially into three trillion. This is the life-sustaining Consciousness that keeps our heart beating, our lungs breathing, and our mind aware of each present moment. Every second of every day, from the day we are born until our last breath of life, this Consciousness is flowing through us.

The physical manifestation of Consciousness is the Nervous System. The nerves create the wiring for the messages of this intelligence to flow. In this way, the Nervous System is our body’s Natural IT System.

Thus, how Consciousness moves through our human anatomy is via the nerves. The Nervous System connects all the organs, all the tissues, and all the cells of a whole organism. As these messages are sent across systems and tissue-types, order is creating. In this way, Consciousness provides order to the human body as a whole so that we can be Self-maintaining, Self-healing, and Self-adapting. 

This altruistic, Self-organizing philosophy is called “Vitalism.” Since this is the case, we could then say that our True Self understands the principles of Vitalism. 

Vitalism simply states that the sum of the whole is greater than its individual parts. This is especially so in the advanced, multi celled organism that is the human body. The whole our body is much more significant than any individual part. Each part only exists to enact a very specific role to support the whole. The individual parts (cell types, tissues, organs, etc) are simply pieces of an extremely advanced technology. This Ultimate Health Care Technology is the Nervous System which is wired in such a way in that every part works together. 

The human body – as a whole – is incredible! Every second of every day, three million messages are being sent between the brain and the rest of the body. An innate Consciousness grids and wires us in such a way so that we can always adapt to a large variety of physical, emotional, and mental challenges. Thus, we can always heal from the inside-out. 

Finding our True Self
There is one catch to all of this: You have to actually believe in it. 

Despite what the drug commercials may tell us, healing can only occur from the inside-out. Every organism in nature works in this way. A dog innately knows to fast when it is sick. Bacterial cells will modify their DNA modifications in order to create new proteins to adapt and survive in new environments. Whole ecosystems are connected through root and fungi connections so that they can communicate and adapt together. We see it everywhere, if the communication lines in a living system are open, adaptation is possible. In humans, when there is a healthy Mind-Body Connection, health and well-Being are possible. 

It’s simple, living things (cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, people, community ecosystems, etc.) are supposed to work together. When living systems are able to cooperate in a coherent way, solutions are created. Order, adaptation, and healing become possible. 

Literally, we are wired to fire. When we embrace our True Self, we recognize that our body is innately organized to Self-maintain, Self-adapt, and to Self-heal. 

External Challenges
Our Nervous System is constantly taxed by challenging inputs from the external world. Perhaps you have a large amount of mental-emotional stress that has accumulated, leading to thinking patterns associated with “lack” and “scarcity.” Perhaps your physical pain is so debilitating that you are having trouble thinking at all, let alone being present for others! Life can be intense and challenging in this way, but the Truth inside the Self always knows what to do.

All of these challenges can be overcome, if we have a Nervous System coherent enough to get the job done. 

Consciousness is always doing the best it can with the resources it has; in our case our Nervous System. The Nervous System is the interface between Consciousness and matter. It is in this way that the great, innate Truth is able to run the show. This occurs so that we can remain in a constant state of order, adaptation, and ultimately healing. However, something is required of the Self. 

Trusting the Truth Within
The Self must trust the Truth within. 

When we trust our inherent connection to Consciousness, True Self is born. 

When we begin to actually believe in the health-generating capacity of a coherent Nervous System, our life shifts for the better. Pretty soon, we are making congruent decisions that support our expression of health from the inside-out. Living a 100 Year Lifestyle feels easy and natural as we recognize the Longevity Principle. We know that a balanced Nervous System is the key towards living a life that honors the Truth within. 

We attract supportive communities into our life that provide a richer, wholesome experience. We become congruent in our body and aligned in our mind. We act from a place of purpose and in the process let go of fear. We recognize the inherent, basic principles of Vitalism and work towards a better expression of health and well-Being, step by step.

It is a process for all of us. There are ups and downs, twists and turns in this ride we call life. This is not going to change anytime soon, but the perspective you choose to hold can. You can choose to recognize the innate healing capacity of your body and Nervous System. You can choose to take a step towards discovering a Consciousness that rests inside. I can guarantee that the ride of life will become easier, when you are able to honor your True Self.

Cameron Brownley, DC


Through the Clouds


Inner Shine – Origins