Mind Body Awareness

Dr Cameron coaches clients through functional exercises and integrative tools to develop "Mind-Body Awareness" and neurologic coherence. In his MBA Sessions, Dr Cameron spends 20-min in a direct, one-on-one session to teach clients specific mind-body rituals and help facilitate their Mind-Body Awareness. This could include:

  1. Deep core activation

  2. PNF (resistance) stretching

  3. Specific muscle balancing

  4. Spine stability & joint mobility training

  5. Neuro-eye movements

  6. Yogic postures

  7. Conscious breathwork

  8. Meditation & visualization. 

Dr Cameron also offers custom Integration Training Guides for those seeking to maximize their results. He creates a custom, daily practice to enable functional mind-body balance. Integration trainings are based the following goals:

  1. Develop awareness of neurologic & bioenergetic tension patterns

  2. Key exercises to correct aberrant moving patterns & posture

  3. Integrate stagnated energy within the mind-body

  4. Neurologic strategies for integrating life stressors at a higher level,

    *This is a physical training guide with supplemental videos & resources. To review guide with Dr Cameron, you can schedule a Mind-Body Awareness Session.

When the Nervous System and body receive consistent inputs - in the form of adjustments, functional movement, stretching, neuro-exercises, and eye movements - the body gets to actually change. As awareness and relaxation strategies are integrated into a healthy lifestyle, the Nervous System begins to balance out and reach newfound coherence.

“It doesn’t take much, twenty minutes a day showing up for yourself can make all the difference.”

-Doctor Cameron

Become more aware, grounded, dynamic & adaptable!


Healthy Habits Coaching